25 of the Best Books for Children at Christmas
Does your house participate in the 25 books of Christmas? Each night of December open a new book to encourage the love of reading and quell the anticipation of Christmas Day! I’ve listed 25 of the best books for children at Christmas time! Scroll on to see an age by age breakdown of great Christmas books for kids.
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Books for Ages 0-2 Years

3. That’s Not My Reindeer (Or any of the That’s Not My… series!)

4. Sassy Developmental Look Book Photo Album

This photo album is just for baby! Fill it with family photos for little ones to enjoy. It is slobber and tear proof!
5. Where is Baby’s Christmas Present?

We love these books at my house (there is an entire line of them!) Beware though-they have a flap on each page and my kids have been known to rip them right off!
Books for Ages 2- 3 Years
6. Usborne Very First Christmas Carols

7. Construction Site on Christmas Night

If you have a Good Night Good Night Construction Site fan in your house then this is a must read book for Christmas!
8. Merry Christmas, Stinky Face!

Books for Ages 4-6 Years
9. Usborne Wipe-Clean Christmas Activities

10. How the Grinch Stole Christmas

This classic Christmas story may still be too difficult for your new reader to tackle on their own, but they will certainly enjoy you reading it aloud to them!
11. Usborne Pull-Back Busy Santa Book
This book is awesome (and also fun for younger kids too!) Pull Santa in his sleigh back and watch him go around the tracks in this book!

12. Usborne 1001 Things to Spot at Christmas

Books for Ages 6-8 Years
13. Santa Post
This book is so fun! Open the ‘envelopes’ and read the letters Santa gets!

14. Peek Inside a Fairy Tale: The Nutcracker
Do you have a budding ballerina at home? This is a great introduction to the classic ballet The Nutcracker. With only a few sentences on each page your early reader should be able to tackle this book with minimal help.

15. The Try Not to Laugh Challenge- Would you Rather? Christmas Edition- Joke Book for Kids

Full Disclosure: I haven’t read this one! It looks like a really fun book for a reluctant reader though and worth a try!
16. Usborne Pop-Up ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas

Books for Ages 9-12 Years
17. Christmas Things to Make and Do: A Christmas Holiday Book for Kids

18. Rainbow Magic Special Edition: Holly the Christmas Fairy
My daughter is OBSESSED with the Rainbow Magic Fairy books right now, be careful if you buy this one…you may soon be on the hunt for the other bajillion books in the series!

Rainbow Magic books by Daisy Meadows
19. Weird but True Christmas: 300 Festive Facts to Light up the Holidays

20. The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
I read this one a million years ago and remember it being a lot of fun! Update: This is now coming out as a feature film! It came out early November 2024.

Books for Ages 12+
21. Christmas Patterns to Color
Older kids (and adults!) can relax coloring these intricate Christmas patterns.

22. Fritz the Farting Reindeer- A Story about a Reindeer who Farts
Okay, don’t judge me, I haven’t read this one either but you and I both know your kids would think it was hilarious!!! This would be an even better gift to a niece or a nephew, then you don’t have to keep it around your house!

23. A Christmas Carol
This would be a great book to read along with your older child! If all else fails and it proves too difficult…pop in the Muppet Christmas Carol on DVD!

24. The Thankful Reindeer– Coloring Journal
This is a journal/coloring book combo! There is a spot for your child to write what they are thankful for each day. A refreshing option during this season where kids can easily forget it is about giving instead of receiving!

25. Reindeer Food: 85 Festive Sweets & Treats to make a Magical Christmas
Have your child help out this season and make a few treats on their own!

So, what do you think? I know I’ve missed so many favorite Christmas books, but these are some new and some old that I think the kids in your life will love!
Comment with your favorite Christmas book or tradition!
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