This was not going to be my first post-in fact I’ve been trying to come up with my first post for a few days now. I wanted something that would define what I hoped this blog to be about, something that really explains who I am. Then, this morning, on my second day solo with three kids this post found me. Its 9 AM and I’ve been peed on, spat up on, blown out on and argued about poop emojis…and I’m fairly unfazed. Pretty sure there’s pee on my carpet and possibly my robe…and I don’t care. Welcome to Motherhood people, it’s a messy, smelly, lonely place.
My husband went back to work yesterday after three glorious weeks of paternity leave. The kids and I followed our schedule, had a Pinterest inspired snack (inspired, because we all know it didn’t look like the picture) and dinner was literally coming out of the oven as my dear breadwinner walked in the door. That ain’t happening today folks. My idyllic schedule was out the window before I got out of bed.
The big kids had just broken me down and convinced me more Minecraft time was necessary so I could get more sleep (such thoughtful children) and the baby literally woke up to eat seconds later. He’s not even four weeks old and already they’re all working against me. As I type this, my sweet bag of bodily fluid angel has just had another loud poop (three for this morning in case you’re counting). And…if you give a baby a fresh diaper he’s gonna want to eat again. It doesn’t matter if it’s only been 1 hour 36 minutes since his last feeding and not a full two hours. So, he’s attached and latched again as I awkwardly lean forward to finish this up. Sometimes I feel like my kids are that little face sucker guy from the movie Alien. I am in the trenches people.
So this is me, this is my chaos. Some days the birds are chirping and we are a well oiled machine, most days my nursing bra is hanging out and I’m impressed I can do two things at once.

One Comment
Cici Ward
Kudos to you, mama! Life with littles definitely gets hectic. I nursed my third in the hospital. I got to my first cluster feed and decided that my sanity was not going to let that happen. You are a superwoman for multitasking while nursing. Embrace the chaos. It’s crazy, but it’s so worth it!