This week in homeschooling…
Originally posted May 2020
I always considered homeschooling my kids. I like the idea of teaching them things they are interested in and having the freedom and time to immerse ourselves in a topic. Eventually I decided against this because of a full time job. And also because I knew I could never have enough patience to argue teach my kids when they weren’t feeling it.
Cut to 2020
Homeschooling is happening now whether I like it or not! I feel so lucky that we’ve had some crash courses in this over the past few summers (see here for ideas!). My kids are used to me attempting to make things educational and I’ve learned to become a bit more flexible with what we can feasibly get through in a day. Of all the things happening in our world right now this is actually the one I feel most in control of.
Our teachers are still providing virtual assignments each week, but we’ve got a lot of other hours to fill each day. I’ve decided to take this time and make the best of it. Each week the big kids have chosen something they’re interested in and Pinterest and I take care of the rest. I’m also teaching the states & capitals, cursive and Spanish among other things. For my little guy I’ve decided to do a color, shape, letter and number each week for him to throw tantrums over. (Quarantine is just so much fun with three kids!)
My game plan is to add links to my weekly themes to this main post…hopefully I find the time to follow through! For this first week we learned about:
– Blood & circulation. (I should note I am not a certified teacher. I just have years and years of experience working with children and have compiled activities I feel are worthwhile)
Need more Toddler Ideas?
How to set up your Toddler Homeschool
Check out my weekly curriculum plans!
My Teachers Pay Teachers store is located here
Let me know what other subjects you’d be interested in reading about and comment below with your Covid-19 homeschooling experiences.

Peggy Haven
Great post!